Release 1.00 - First official version Release 2.00 - First version with the bootloader Release 2.02 - Empty string can be stored by "gprs user" command - Empty string can be stored by "gprs password" command Release 2.03 - Added command 'adc data' - Changed project name to TachoTerminal GPRS Release 2.04 - Reduced minimum voltage V_USB_Detect to 4.3V for the battery charging Release 2.05 Changed LED functionality - LED[0] - indicates power - LED[1] - indicates driver card reading and operation on SD card Release 2.06 - Corrected reading of driver card Release 2.07 - Corrected reading of driver card. It is possible to read Spanish and Portuguese cards Release 2.08.102 - Fixed firmware crash when file sent using the GPRS modem Release 2.09.108 - Corrected reading of driver card